Welcome to Momentum Monday.

I am very glad to announce the imminent arrival of our “Investing Mastermind” series where we hear from different Money Managers on how they invest. This series further enhances our reputation as a leading tool in the hands of conscientious DIY share investors and how we welcome all views from the wide diaspora we call investing.

Keep a look out for more detail as it comes to hand.

Otherwise, the market continues keeping on despite the volatility and investors would do well to remember that you need to be in the market more than out of it. But as Momentum investors we don't rely on blind faith to get us through. That further supports why I write this piece and I hope you find it of value to your membership. Please feel free to share any comments, either publically down below or email us at support@stockopedia.com.au

Interesting links

  • Weekend Watchlist run in conjunction with Shares for Beginners this week covers in our view on auto parts maker GUD Holdings Listen here to the replay

  • Our newsletter to members was published last week covering some of the major highlights from the past fortnight including Chris’ article on . Check your email because we sent the newsletter to everyone. If you haven't got it please email @stockopedia.com.au">support@stockopedia.com.au and we will send you a copy

  • Within our newsletter is also a link to a very brief article on AVZ that this week announced it won’t be relisting. This development is nothing to sneeze about. It was once a $4B market cap stock!!!!! Make sure you read it in the newsletter as it highlights why you need Stockopedia all the time! BTW feel free to share it with friends.

  • Coming is our next Friday Lunch ‘n Learn which is your opportunity to mingle with the managers of the Australasian business. Click here to book your seat at the virtual table.

  • Our “Empower Others” referral program will e undertaking a change. For now we maintain the current system, be sure to Learn more here if you are interested in current plan

  • For any external commentary we make to the broader market, follow us on Social Media Facebook Linkedin Instagram or X (formerly Twitter)

This week’s content is as follows:

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