Welcome to Momentum Monday.

Markets were up and nothing adds to positivity like a Presidential Campaign Conference in the US… Full of Celebrities, Politicians and Wannabe’s. So how does the financial press report on it? Not all that heavily. Especially when it doesn’t suit their narrative. But then again markets are at all time highs? So we are happy, but it certainly makes it hard to write about (I can vouch for that), which is bad for media businesses, particularly as fear sells (as you are all well aware.).

But before I continue let me make this clear…. “The Markets are positive! They both (US and Oz) closed on weekly highs.” *Phew* I’m glad I got that out, because reading the financial press over the weekend, it would be easy to forget this simple fact.

Interesting links

  • This week on Weekend Watchlist run in conjunction with Shares for Beginners, we cover a stock we have discussed before and why a buy-back cant even help it. It’s AZJ Aurizon. Listen here to the replay

  • Don’t forget to “Empower Others”. There is no better time to refer the award winning platform which is Stockopedia than right now. To Learn read more here

  • For any external commentary we make to the broader market, follow us on Social Media Facebook Linkedin Instagram or X (formerly Twitter)

This week’s content is as follows:

  • Broader market sentiment

  • Member corner

  • Stocks in the “Shine Zone” 

  • Momentum Movers

  • 52 week high screen 

A reminder that you don’t have to read all this contribution. Simply scroll to the area of interest.

Broader Market Sentiment

We look at the direction of both the US and ASX markets to gain an understanding of the broader sentiment at the minute. It is important to stress here that I DO NOT use this to time my entry or exit out of stocks. I prefer to use the individual charts of stocks to do that. However I find it useful in helping us determine how aggressive/cautious traders should be in their trading. In short the more positive the broader market is the more risks you can take and vice versa.

US / S&P500

Well if you ever…

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