Welcome to Momentum Monday.

Warmer weather, sport over the weekend, or school holidays…. Whatever it is that is diverting your attention from the sharemarket will be a great relief. The market is frustrating, its choppy and it has no idea what it wants to do. The amount of negative press I am reading all of a sudden can’t help but feel like an attempt to stoke the fire. We have to try to block out that noise and remember in sideways markets “less is more” . (Though in my case all my sporting teams lost so I am bereft of relief at the minute!)

Surely we can’t be the only ones frustrated with the market at the minute. I bet your friends will also be likely look for guidance and we can help. Remember our “Empower Others” program, were there is a welcome discount for your friend and gift for you. Read more here.

On a final note, today I will be presenting at the Australian Investors Association conference. If you can’t be there in person, there are virtual tickets to the event. There is a charge ( $149 +GST for two days). You can claim your virtual ticket here https://grafa.com/channel/investx-2023 . To learn more about the event itself visit this website https://www.investors.asn.au/events/

Last week we introduced a new section. So the content for this week will be as follows:

  • Broader market sentiment

  • Member corner

  • Stocks in the “Shine Zone” (including changes)

  • Buses pulling out of the station (volume + price movers)

  • 52 week high screen (including changes)

We are always open to suggestions on how to make this contribution better, so if you have any, please feel free to write them in the comments below. All comments to date have been noted so thank you.

A reminder that you don’t have to read all this contribution. Simply scroll to the area of interest.

Broader Market Sentiment

We look at the direction of both the US and ASX markets to gain an understanding of the broader sentiment at the minute. It is important to stress here that I DO NOT use this to time my entry or exit out of stocks. I prefer to use the individual charts of stocks to do…

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