Welcome to Momentum Monday.

And another week of volatility and nervousness awaits us without any clear direction either way as to whether we are flying at altitude, or plummeting to a complete mess. Which it ends up being is not our concern. We will only play with the cards we are dealt with and act appropriately.

Also remember one of the key tenements of my Momentum journey is that I am not using charts just “to make more profits.” Rather I come at charts to ”protect my capital” which in turn I believe leads to better overall performance. Its a sutle difference, but massive from a mindset perspective. So if you look at your own Momentum journey that way it may help when it comes time to sell (even at a loss) because the main game is not what money potentially you are leaving on the table, rather it is the amount you get to take home that I am interested in.

Last weekend we also launched a collaboration with “Shares for Beginners” one of Australia’s leading investment podcasts, where we will be covering one stock per week as a marketing exercise to help promote our methodology and our approach to a much broader audience. We encourage our members to also follow the “Weekend Watchlist” podcast as they can make direct links with the topical stocks being discussed. If you listen to podcasts regularly, find “Shares for Beginners” in your favourite streaming service.


Alternatively if you want to follow each episode one by one, then go to this link https://shows.acast.com/shares-for-beginners/episodes/. We will also be adding a copy of the recording in the Discussion section for each company covered (for a limit of 6 months only) . We have actually created a generic blog topic for members to stay across our recordings that you can access. The relevant company will appear as they are published.. Visit the post here and be sure to bookmark the page for easy access in the future. Alternatively, follow us on social media as we will be posting a copy of each weekly episode there.

We will also be covering this and another topics in our next “Lunch ‘n Learn” session coming this Friday. You can book your place or alternatively if you can’t make it,…

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