Welcome to Momentum Monday.

Congratulations to supporters of Collingwood and Penrith for your wins over the weekend. As a disappointed Carlton and Storm supporter, I can take solace that the two best teams in either code made it to the big dance, which is only fair after a big winter campaign.

You may have noticed that Stockopedia launched a new feature last week. If you want to learn more about it read here. I am going to be incorporating the ‘most viewed’ widget in the Member Corner segment. More in a moment. We will also be covering these at the next Friday Lunch ‘n Learn session in two weeks time. You can book your place now.

Next week, we will also announce a new collaboration with a third party provider to help spread the Stockopedia message and enhance the value members receive. The more we can welcome into our community the stronger we will be. More on that next week.

We all need to do our bit. Don’t forget our “Empower Others” program is a great way to introduce a friend to what is hands down the best value investment research service in Australia, New Zealand and the entire World. Read more here.

We do actually hope for some assistance in spreading the word and request that you assist us with a little video of support from the comfort of your own desk. If you are interested in helping us at some point soon, either express your interest in the comments section below or email us at support@stockopedia.com.au . We will be in touch shortly.

Last week we introduced a new section. So the content for this week will be as follows:

  • Broader market sentiment

  • Member corner

  • Stocks in the “Shine Zone” (including changes)

  • Buses pulling out of the station (volume + price movers)

  • 52 week high screen (including changes)

We are always open to suggestions on how to make this contribution better, so if you have any, please feel free to write them in the comments below. All comments to date have been noted so thank you.

A reminder that you don’t have to read all this contribution. Simply scroll to the area of interest.

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