It is the 10th anniversary of our Mello conferences this coming November and we were intending to return to the venue of our very first one in the Derby conference centre but they are incredibly busy and struggling to accommodate us within the Autumn dates needed for a three day event. 

I then thought about other listed companies that would want to be hosting hundreds of investors and came up with a plan to involve Saga who run cruise lines and are keen to attract shall we say mature travellers onto their cruise holidays. I contacted them and suggested that it was a win /win scenario for them as the investors would get to see how good an operation Saga is as a company and may wish to invest in them...and also book a future holiday. Additionally their directors could join in and provide a presentation.

So...I contacted a few of the regular Mello presenting companies and speakers and tested the water with them as it would mean a two day trip doing presentations whilst we cross the channel en route to Jersey where there would be more presentations and meetings pre arranged with a large number of wealth managers. I was very pleased to see a raft of directors and speakers all happy to sign up and offer their time on board the good ship Mello.

All we need now of course will be the 700 investors and possibly partners too as there will be single supplements for those cruising alone. Saga need me to guarantee that number as they are providing sole use of their cruise ship to the channel islands and return to Southampton.  Saga apparently offer a collection service from your home or car parking facilities at Southampton. It will be two nights away and a full day in Jersey with optional presentations or sightseeing.

I have signed up 40 companies pending confirmation that we have sufficient investors aboard and it will  be a huge networking opportunity as everyone will be on the cruise together for three days. It will be an all inclusive package so the food and drinks will all be included and it will be across a long weekend so that none of you can buy shares in all the wonderful companies presenting until the markets open on Monday lol

Sounds like a great Mello Anniversary Bash and a chance to keep…

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