Register for FREE for the Mello Investment Trusts and Funds event on Tuesday 18th June 2024 at 1pm, hosted by Karin Schulte. The programme for the event is as follows:
1:00pmĀ  Andrew Hollingworth, Founder of Holland Advisors & Investment Manager of VT Holland Advisors equity fund
1:30pm Company presentation from JPMorgan European Growth & Income plc
2:00pm Company presentation from Nippon Active Value Fund
2:30pm Company presentation TBC
3:00pm Educational Session
Register for FREE here: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_pLegtMeTS5aaxkqViRXWwA#/registration
Click here for more information: https://melloevents.com/mitf-18-0624/

We hope you can join us.

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