It is the tenth year that Mello have been running two and three day conferences as the very first one was in Derby in 2014.....How many of you were there?

To celebrate we are going to host two events in order to try to keep all investors happy with being able to attend at least one of the venues and naturally also increase the number of companies able to meet and engage with investors and do live presentations with Q&A.  

For nostalgia purposes if any of you want to see videos of the Derby events in 2014 and 2018 they are available here  It really is a quirky venue and great for networking and has an amazing sunken lounge for the companies to exhibit from. 

 So the dates for all investors to keep free...Mello will host our #MelloLondon event for just one day this year on Friday 1st November & it will be in Hammersmith not Chiswick. Then almost three weeks later we will follow that with the larger two day conference in Derby on Tuesday 19th & Wednesday 20th November. Tickets and detailed information will go on sale at the launch next Thursday. 

Do let us have your thoughts and most importantly give companies a nudge to encourage them to come out and physically meet investors as webinars are useful but nothing beats meeting face to face to ask questions and having 20 minutes to speak directly to management and of course networking with hundreds of likeminded investors.


**Stop Press**  Now live for tickets

The events have launched and the links and info are on the Mello website

For those who want a loyalty ticket which is by far the cheapest then do book early as there are just 100 available and 17 have gone this afternoon. This is the link to the two day Anniversary show

Mello 10th Anniversary tickets – Mello Events

This is the one day London show...

Mello @ LIS tickets – Mello Events

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