Market Musings 300723: Can you buy at all-time highs?

The surprising answer is Yes!


  • Buying stock markets at new 52-week or all-time highs is a winning strategy

  • Country stock markets close to all-time highs: US S&P 500, French CAC-40, UK FTSE 100, Brazil Bovespa, IPC Mexico.

  • Also Gold is back to $2000/oz on futures, close to an all-time high

Podcast this week: Did you know these five surprising financial facts?

In today’s podcast, Edmund Shing gives five financial facts and explains why they matter.
Brush up on your knowledge of financial markets (stocks, bonds, gold) and learn a few figures to keep in mind while investing.

Should you buy stocks at all-time highs?

This sounds like a strange question: why would you want to buy stocks when they have just reached a new all-time high, and presumably have just enjoyed strong price gains already?

This was the question posed by Meb Faber in this 2019 article. We know that momentum is a factor that works well over time, albeit at the risk of sharp falls every now and then when the market corrects.

Meb Faber then looked at US stock market index data ging back to the 1920s to see if buying the US stock market once it had reached a new all-time high was a good idea.

Specifically, he tested this strategy:

“What if you bought stocks at all-time highs, otherwise you sat in the safety of government bonds?

And it turns out, it’s a pretty damn good strategy. Better returns than just stocks, lower volatility, and WAY lower drawdowns…again, all you do is check at the end of each month…if stocks are at all time high, then you invest in stocks for the next month, and if not, then bonds”

These are the results he found, where the strategy of buying stocks at all-time highs is labelled the “ATH Switch” strategy, then compares to just a buy-and-hold strategy with US stocks.


Source: Meb Faber

As you can see from the chart, not only did this strategy outperform buy-and-hold, but it did so with far less volatility (i.e. scary periods where you suffer heavy drawdowns).

He then repeated this exercise using a number of other…

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