Market Musings 010423:
Q1’s Frequently Asked Questions

Six of the questions I have been asked the most of late…


  • Is the banking crisis over yet?

  • Is a US recession nailed on to this year?

  • Can inflation really return to 3% or under by the end of this year in Europe and in the US?

  • Are you still positive on Stocks today despite all the concerns?

  • Is it time to return to investing in property?

  • What benefits from stress in the banking sector?

Podcast this week:

The silver linings to the banks’ stress cloud

  • March : all about the Banks

  • How stock markets are surprisingly resilient despite banking stress

  • What are the silver linings to the banking stress cloud?

  • A Fed pause can be good for stocks over 6-12 months

  • Look again at equities

Frequently asked questions

I present below 6 questions that I have been asked several times of late, together with my answers...

1. Is the banking crisis over yet?

No, this is rather unlikely. The stresses in the US regional banking sector remain evident.

There is still deposit flight as deposits leave low yielding deposit accounts at smaller banks and either go to larger banks for safety reasons or go to money market funds. These funds yield up to 4.7%, which is over 4% higher than the average bank deposit rate today. So, there clearly remains stress in the US banking system as a result of this deposit flight.

Accelerating deposit outflows from US banks


Source: St Louis Fed

The second area of concern is commercial real estate i.e. offices, warehouses, shopping centres and so on. The US regional banking sector has been a very large lender, in particular to this commercial real estate segment.

Vacancy rates post COVID remain relatively high in particular for offices in many US cities.

C. 25% office vacancy rates in Atlanta, Dallas, San Francisco and Washington DC


Source: JLL

So there is a risk of a wave of defaults on debt that has been lent to these commercial real estate funds. Office vacancy rates remain elevated in big cities where the return to work trend has not been that strong,…

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