(LON:MADE) (I hold)

Some very useful and quality posts on (LON:MADE) interim results last week – but I am struggling to find them buried in the SCVR of the day – so a thread to help keep track. I won’t attempt to outdo the posts, just an intro to the company and some links to the SCVR’s with discussion to start the thread and hopefully this will build of its own accord.

Here’s an intro to MADE.COM from last week’s interims

About MADE

MADE is the leading digitally native lifestyle brand in home, disrupting the industry with high-quality, exclusive designs underpinned by a responsible, small-batch production model, enabling customers to realise the vision of their homes. In addition to its in-house design team and collaborations with leading designers, MADE champions independent talent, offering them a platform and access to a scalable supply chain that makes their ideas reality. These partnersbring their unique perspective in the creation of bold statement collections and work with MADE to produce iconic designs.

Operating at the intersection of design and technology, proprietary algorithms take consumers on a journey: from outreach that makes designs discoverable to a frictionless digital shopping experience. Combined with an innovative ‘just-in-time’ order model, MADE provides a fresh and ever-changing range, with nine new collections launched every week and more than 8,000 active SKUs in the catalogue as at 30 June 2021.

Founded in 2010, MADE sells its products across the United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, France, Belgium, Spain and the Netherlands via its e-commerce platform. The brand also has seven showrooms globally, with flagship brand experiences in London and Paris.

Things that I note peering inside the PR Guff -

  • The partnership (royalty based I think) with artists and designers is distinctive
  • The speed of cycling new design collections on a 'test and small batch repeat' basis (now where have I heard that before)
  • Data and algorithms used to predict customer order and optimise make and delivery schedules
  • International Sales across 9 countries
  • Although not clear from this text- MADE have direct supply agreements with a network of suppliers around the world including the UK, Europe and Asia which gives them diversification in their supply base - which I understand is unusual in the furniture retailing space.

MADE was only admitted to the main market…

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