I love Stan Weinstein's stage analysis, elegantly simple, you could teach a child in no time what to look for and what to avoid.

2022/23 there were a few decent stage 2 moves on things like Yu (LON:YU.) and MS International (LON:MSI)  Now we're probably 6 months into a new bull market in small/mid caps, theres many more potential candidates. This is much easier with a uptrending market, everyone's a stock picking genius at this point in the cycle and mistakes aren't punished nearly so severely, with breakouts tending to have more ooomph as institutions are done selling and/or buyers.

Always have to caveat no one knows the future, June in particular has historically been a hopeless month for AIM shares. FTSE250 not much better. So its no sure thing and theres always risks to be managed.

But as Mark Twain said-

“October—this is one of the peculiarly dangerous months to speculate in stocks. The others are July, January, September, April, November, May, March, June, December, August, and February.”

Personally, what I look for is

  1. A decent stage 1 base built, longer the better.
  2. Moving averages at least flat, preferably starting to rise
  3. EPS upgrades ideally, tho many will move well before earnings come through
  4. Volume increase, tho not a deal breaker for me.
  5. Price above moving averages.

Gamma Communications (LON:GAMA) This is what I want


Shoe Zone (LON:SHOE) This is what I want to avoid. May be a great company but its not what im looking for. Moving averages pointing down, broken support. Time to buy this was Oct '21 when it started stage 2 + gap up.


Anyway heres a few recent possible stage 2, either broken out or close. I sometimes buy a starter or half position before the breakout if theres good news or a volume spike, then add later on a breakout or earnings upgrade.

LSL Property Services (LON:LSL)


Cavendish Financial (LON:CAV)  (tho it is a different company now so the chart isnt really relevant) 

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