Hi everyone 

I’ve wrote a piece on Serica energy and would love to know people thoughts. Funny timing as I finished my peice the day Roland posted his brilliant in depth article. I’ve come at a slightly different angle, so there  Hope you all enjoy it

Many thanks 


Is the market missing something with Serica energy, or am I?

Recently I have spent a lot of time screening for stocks across the london market trying to find high quality bargains. Given the market performance over the last two years there are quite a few about. One company that is coming up time and time again is Serica energy. A North Sea oil and gas producer that seems to be very cheap. They’ve also been a constant feature on quality as well as value screens, with a stock rank at the time of writing of 98. This doesn’t seem to be a ‘cigar butt company’. Throughout this article I’m going to set out why I think North Sea oil and gas isn’t dead like many people think and why Serica could be a long term investment.

A little round up of who serica are…They are a North Sea oil and gas producer that were established in 2005. They directly employ over 200 people in london, Aberdeen and the oil rigs themselves, and are listed in the AIM all share index. They currently operate 11 oil fields and 2 producing Hubs with forecast barrels of oil equivalent per day of 40,000-47,000 with a split of 53% gas and 47% oil.

The case for oil and gas from the North Sea are extremely compelling. Peak global oil demand isn’t even close to happening, in fact it the earliest estimates have it around 2035. But in the west we have started blocking off our oil wells. In fact global supply isn’t growing at the same rate demand is growing, recently we have seen a slow down in oil demand linked to the slowing down of the global economy especially in China. But long term oil is still as vital as ever but it has been underinvested in for over a decade. With growing political tensions and even war in the countries around the world that supply oil and gas such as Russia And Ukraine. The Middle East with war between Israel and Gaza,…

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