Morning all!

Dialight ( Dialight (LON:DIA) ) – 452p – £147m – PER 12.7

Trading Update – A strange update that doesn't actually say much.

I take updates that don't really say much as bad news so that means this will remain on my Avoid list for now.

Pendragon ( Pendragon (LON:PDG) ) – 25p – £350m – PER 8.9

Interim Management Statement For The 3 Months To End March 2019 – Revenue up slightly, margins down, made a Underlying LBT of -£2.8m (£10m lower than expectations) – Operational review in progress.

Still cannot get interested here (or in the sector in general) yet.

Zoo Digital ( Zoo Digital (LON:ZOO) ) – 55p – £41m – PER 28

Trading Update For The 12 Months To End March 2019 – Revenue to be in-line ($29m), H2 EBITDA to be break-even (H1 $0,5m), Net Cash of $1.8m.

Even well of it's highs there's still not enough to get me any more interested here yet. 

As always, all comment most welcome!

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