This isn't me asking people for life guidance, its a genuine query.

I have been involved with Crypto, Stocks and to a degree commodities since 2021. I collect gold/silver coins and looking to gain wealth with investments so I can hopefully retire earlier than the age of 67.

I have a secure job and a family to support along with my also working wife. Ive gone from absolute zero knowledge of trading and investing, to regularly listening to audiobooks on finance, economics, psychology and trading experiences (market wizards). I subscribe to Stockopedia and have learnt to deeper dive into companies balance sheet and understand a company before investing. With all this in mind I have my own trading plan and strategy.

I obviously still have lot to learn, but i enjoy the process of finding trades/investments and seeing what happens and either compounding the profit, double down on that investment, or getting out when a stop loss is hit and try to learn where I went wrong.

The wage I earn is very good for my area but just above average on a national level. I put 6% into my pension and have a nice pot for early 40s. The job I do is skilled but can become tedious and I will admit is becoming stagnant with minimal chance of progression. 

I NEED HELP OR ADVICE in that I have no idea what future path to take. I could keep doing what I do and probably do the same thing or similar  until 60-65 then retire with a decent pension in a job I can cope with but work night shifts alternatively. Investing and learning as I currently do and hopefully be able to retire in 15-20 years due to learning more and investing wisely.

Or I could change path completely and edge towards a job in finance or investing or economics. The problem I have is I have no idea what path to take, what qualifications would be required, and how long it would take to be able to get a job in something of that mould. I could risk it all to be doing something related to what I do now, earning less but with more knowledge, but without the capital or security.

I have no idea what jobs would be open to an early 40s man with some knowledge…

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