Now I'm not here to be a doom-monger, but with more EU trade controls effecting the UK from the  end of January(?) mixed with the Red Sea troubles, I think the UK is in for a tough few months.

My employer has seen a mini influx of tradesmen who are turning to a sturdy/strong business for regular income due to the drop off in house building and lack of public and private projects. These aren't failing workers, these are people who were busy pre-Covid and have had a hectic few years post Covid. From an emptying work calendar due to inflation and customers not have the "spare cash".

I've always believed that the tradesmen (and women) are usually a good indicator of the economy. If there's less work, people have less money to spend on projects, or they've already spent it. Winter is always tough for the order book, so things *may* improve. But unless inflation dips by at 1% over the year and the troubles in Ukraine/Red Sea/Israel don't wane I think a short recession could be on the cards.

With this in mind I'm looking at H & T (LON:HAT) especially with todays dip and not forgetting Tesco (LON:TSCO) and Unilever (LON:ULVR) . It's also the reason I keep adding to Litigation Capital Management (LON:LIT)

What other undervalued UK stocks could also be worth a look?

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