Sold some shares on Hargreaves Lansdown (LON:HL.) last Friday, then got an email from them, about an offer, they are giving clients, from 1st May to 21st June, 2024.

Main Conditions are:

"Subject to these terms and conditions, you are eligible to receive £100 worth of free online share trades between 1 May 2024 to 21 June 2024 (the “Offer Period”). The offer includes deals in UK and overseas shares, investment trusts, exchange-traded funds (‘ETFs’), gilts, bonds and any listed security and applies to both existing and new HL clients. This offer does not apply to any other products, services or investments offered by HL.

2. How the offer works: If you place a trade online (via our website or mobile app) during the Offer Period, we will charge you your standard online dealing charge. Within 7 working days of the Offer Period ending (by or on 30 June 2024), we will refund you all online dealing charges up to a maximum value of £100 for the trades you made during the Offer Period. The offer includes the charge for a share-exchange (Bed & ISA and Bed & SIPP)."

Just flagging this up, in case other HL clients are not aware of it. If l had not done that trade, doubt l would have known about it. I don't use HL often now. 

Will be selling off some small holdings.

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