An investment in Greatland Gold (LON:GGP) that was encouraged by a fellow private investing friend has outlived him and may well do the same for me before coming to fruition, if not ever.  Initially bought at 20.2 pence/share in 2021 I doubled down in 2023 at 7.3 pence, its share price now being at 7.2 pence.  Dilution through the issues of new shares to obtain more funding is the main issue for an investor, the figure from 2017 in Greatland to the Total This Month rose from 1,694,000 to 4,308,00 shares. Pity those who invested in say, 2020 and left it to stagnate. 

it’s a fact that private investor or financial institution never makes money without making losses at the same time yet the Chancellor insists that gains are taxed unlike those Ernie hands out. You see, for me to sell my shares now would mean a big loss, to make a gain now the shares would have to rise to 12 pence each, and doubling down by investing the same amount of cash as in the first places would mean that the share price would need to improve to 9 pence each just to get back to Square One.  Money which might actually be making money elsewhere right now while bearing in mind that Greatland Gold could go bust at any time as Pure Gold (Canada) just did.

I don’t see any future in doubling down for a second time but for those interested in starting a position now there is an interesting presentation in graphics form here: .


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