I have been trying for about a month or so now, through the messaging system and by email, to get a problem with the stockreport chart for Doric Nimrod Air Two (LON:DNA2) fixed.  I note that some of my messages, through the website function, have not even been opened. The last was sent six days ago and has not yet been seen. I have now, very reluctantly, resorted to trying via this post to get Stockopedia to correct the huge spike showing in DNA 2, which of course is replicated in my folio performance and valuation charts. Here is a screenshot of the DNA2 page today, clearly showing the spike indicating that the share price tripled in one day and then returned to the previous price immediately after. This did not happen according to all other sources. Please could someone finally fix this error and, please, could questions to the chat line support be responded to!!!


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