
The mining sector in 2023 experienced a confluence of challenges and opportunities, marked by evolving market dynamics, geopolitical shifts, and the pressing need for critical minerals as we attempt to transition towards ‘Net Zero emissions’ by 2050.

As we delve into the performance of the sector and its outlook for the year ahead, we'll analyse key demand and supply drivers behind precious metals, platinum group metals (PGMs), base metals, and other critical resources that play a pivotal role in various industries. Additionally, we will turn our attention to some UK stocks within the mining sector, evaluating their prospects for the upcoming year.

So, let's start with a glance back at 2023, shall we?

A Year in Review - 2023

Precious Metals

In a year of complexity and volatility, precious metals emerged as the shining stars of the mining sector. The group as a whole saw impressive performance, with gold prices up 14.6% year on year and silver prices up 3.25%. These valuable metals had investors flocking towards them, seeking stability amidst economic uncertainties.

Gold, known as the bastion of stability, held its allure as a safe-haven asset throughout the year. Its price per ounce averaged around $1,800, a testament to its enduring appeal in uncertain times.


Source: Trading Economics (Commodities Overview)

When compared to base metals and platinum group metals (PGMs), as depicted by the images above and below, the precious metals unquestionably maintained their 'safe haven' status in 2023.


Source: Trading Economics (Commodities Overview)

Base Metals

Now, let's turn our attention to base metals. Unfortunately, it wasn't the best of times for these metals in 2023. Aside from iron ore and copper prices, which managed to hold their ground, most base metals experienced a tough year.

Lead lost 9.67% of its value year on year, whilst zinc and nickel lost a whopping 12.29% and 42.71% respectively. Nickel, in particular, took a hit due to a short-term supply surplus caused by reduced demand in China's stainless steel production.

Platinum Group Metals (PGMs)

Equally notable, is the collapse in PGM prices in 2023. After a strong rally in the previous three years, a sudden drop in demand from the automotive industry for catalytic converters, the…

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