Want to learn more about the seemingly impenetrable minefield that is crypto?

Do you have some burning questions on the topic that you would love someone to answer for you?

Come and join the Crypto and Blockchain teach-in on Monday 2nd November at 4pm.

Register here >>


And you can send your questions in beforehand to info@yellowstoneadvisory.com


A teach in: Crypto and Blockchain with Temple Melville of Scotcoin.

‘The upsides, the dangers and the myths.’

Temple Melville, CEO of the Scotcoin Project CIC (https://scotcoinproject.com/) and blockchain instructor will give a teach in webinar about the world of crypto.

Blockchain and crypto currency are still in their infancy, having been around for not much more than a decade. During that time, they have etched themselves into the collective conscience as very much a Marmite sandwich – love it or hate it. Temple will describe his journey through the minefield and Wild West that is crypto currency, and explain in simple terms what the blockchain actually is, how it works and why it can be trusted, and why Bitcoin in particular is not a Ponzi scheme.

He will describe why crypto currencies are the new Asset Class, alongside Gold, stocks and shares and so on, any why – especially at the present time – you really need to have some. But most importantly, what could a blockchain solution do for you? It could potentially save your business millions.

Here are two links to a BBC interviews with Temple from October 12th 2020 https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p08trxcy (start at 26mins 04 sec) and from last year https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpEDWkdIRk0&t=428s. Both discuss crypto and Scotcoin.

Temple’s own crypto currency, Scotcoin, has grown in value from around £1 million in 2015 to £100 million now, having been used to buy a property for £60,000 along the way. At the time, that property, was sold in exchange for 10 million SCOT. Those SCOT today would be worth in excess of £1million. He will share with you what makes a crypto currency unique and different to the “also rans.”

Temple welcomes interaction with the audience.

Temple trained as an economist at the London School of Economics and has been involved with various companies over the years in senior management positions. Starting in late 2013 he realised that crypto currency…

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