There is no denying the fact the China has risen metaphorically like no other nation has in the recent past. The Chinese growth model has not only attained enormous success for the citizens and investors worldwide but has also been an envious state for many other developing countries that have literally failed to do anything with their moribund economies, whereas the Asian giant successfully managed to bring about a change in common man's life.

China’s GDP has multiplied while exports have risen exponentially, so much so that the country has been labeled the factory of the world. But change is the only thing that is constant in this world, and same is true for the Chinese growth cycle. Whatever comes up goes down just as night gives way to day and life gives way to death. The problem is that just about everyone wants to go to heaven but no one quite wants to die, just as everyone is talking about the China growth story but not many are actually able to understand the haze of uncertainty surrounding the Chinese economy and its growth story.

* Even though China has attained enormous highs, the growth of 200 to 300% of past 2 decades has reached a critical point where the growth has attained a peak and the only way forward is an imminent decline.

* China's harsh reality is that after decades of double digit GDP growth, average household incomes still trail miles behind many emerging economies.

* Not only is China marching towards the greatest bubble in history of mankind, the massive misallocation of wealth is also accelerating at an alarming speed. One doesn’t need to be an economic genius to understand the fact that the wealth gap epitomized by the Chinese economy and Real estate segment is dividing the Chinese society’s social fabric.

China's Society Divide And Rising Black Money

A recent Credit Suisse-sponsored study by a top economic think-tank has revealed that China's richest citizens may hold as much as 9.3 trillion yuan ($1.4 trillion) of hidden assets. The report has confirmed fears that nearly two thirds of all the unreported income goes into the pockets of the richest 10 %, widening China's wealth gap alarmingly.

Another very important element of the Chinese growth story is the government-sponsored abuse of the country’s human resource, the largest in…

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