Chapel Down (OFEX:CDGP) 

For any holders or potential buyers .

French winemakers are purchasing land in the UK as things heat up | Metro News

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My wife and I spent some time with friends over the Christmas holidays and met a chap who is an agent for some of the world's top wine producers. One topic of conversation was that of climate change, during which this chap told us that some of the top French Champagne houses had been buying up plots of land between the Weald of Kent and the South Downs because even though this area is 150 miles north of the Epernay, which apparently is the centre of the Champagne region, they think that the 'terroir'1  will very soon be perfect for growing Champagne grapes if the changes in our weather persist.  As I had recently been looking at Chapel Down (OFEX:CDGP) as a potential investment I was intrigued. I know nothing about wine so asked this chap if he knew of Chapel Down and their wines. He told me that they had had a record harvest this year not only in quantity but also quality and apparently this makes a difference because the very hot weather at the right time of year meant that the grapes fully ripen and that means that they would not have to add sugar to the wine at a certain point in the fermentation which meant a) the finished product would taste better and b) there was a time and cost saving. He was losing me a bit at this point! Some of  the grapes that Chapel Down grow, namely Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier and Chardonnay are used to produce Champagne in France,  but grown in England the wine made from them cannot be called Champagne but simply Sparkling Wine.  I had read about the bumper harvest but did not know the rest of what he had told me . I had seen that there had been some director buying just after the harvest and the attached article confirmed the land purchases. I think the risk/reward here looks pretty good on a fairly long term investment with obvious execution and weather risk.

Chapel Down (OFEX:CDGP) has a market cap of £60m and is traded on AQSE and is not easy to but in any amount. The company has…

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