Bank of Georgia (LON:BGEO) SP has shot up again. This is important for Georgia Capital (LON:CGEO) as when it was split from the bank (2018 I think), it retained 20% shares of Bank of Georgia (LON:BGEO). As the SP of the bank has increased more rapidly that Georgia Capital (LON:CGEO), that means the amount of market cap that is backed by tradable shares increases. This matters because Georgia Capital (LON:CGEO) trades at a huge discount to NAV. 
It can be argued that makes sense because Georgia is a developing economy, has issues with Russia, and that the rest of the assets (bar some shares it retained from the sale of its water utility) are essentially privately held businesses, that can be difficult to value (though the fact that the water utility sold at a premium to its valuation a couple of years back undermines that argument).

That said the private businesses are pharmacy / hospitals / diagnostics / insurance / education / energy, plus a few smaller start ups…ie mostly defensive businesses.

Anyway, here are my back of an envelope calculations:

CGEO Market Cap £537m

CGEO NAV GEL 3378m = £988m (as of Dec 2023)

BGEO Market Cap  £2.36bn  

CGEO 20% holding in BGEO =  £472m

Holding in Water Company shares GEL 159m = £46m

 Total Value of Shares held by CGEO = £518m

Therefore, the Total Value CGEO, net of its tradable shares = £988m - £518m = £470m

So NAV of private holdings (ie companies that it owns) is £470m

Cost of the £470m private holdings in the CGEO Market Cap = £537m (CGEO Market Cap) - £518m (BGEO and Water Shares) = £19m

Therefore, after accounting for the value of market tradable shares, one can buy £470m of assets for £19m

And final comment, Bank of Georgia (LON:BGEO) still looks to be excellent value with metrics prior to its 2023 results next week of:

SR  98 / PE 5 / Div % 6 …and it’s in the process of buying a bank in a neighbouring state from cash.

I am long term holder in both Georgia Capital (LON:CGEO) and Bank of Georgia (LON:BGEO) so please be skeptical of my advocacy and analysis.

But if such a thing…

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