Last week I shared some of the results of the NAPS strategy in US markets. While there are many ways to implement this strategy, at its simplest the NAPS just purchases the top 2 ranked shares in each of 10 sectors and holds for a year, rebalancing annually ad-infinitum. I thought I'd share some further results from other markets for your perusal.


As some may know, I'm married to an Australian and have a lot of family in Sydney. Australia is our second largest subscriber region after the UK and I've got a keen personal interest in seeing the service thrive down under. Australia is an interesting market as it is rather dominated by basic resources sectors - nonetheless there are profitable, durable businesses across all sectors. We didn't launch coverage of Australia until 2016, but in spite of a nasty recent drawdown the NAPS has returned 11% annualised (before dividends) against the ASX All Ordinaries at 4.5% annualised.


Europe ex-UK

The set of markets below includes what you'd traditionally call Western Developed Europe ex UK. A 10% annualised return for the NAPS is double the 5% for the FTSEurofirst ex-UK index, but the return is actually considerably lower than the 90+ ranked decile for Europe as a whole. While the outperformance versus the index is strong, it does seem that in this instance the additional diversification has bettered the results.


We find better results when focusing on individual countries or regions within Developed Europe - for example:


Germany is the powerhouse of Europe industrially, and that's shown in these returns.



Very strong showing from the Viking lands.



Includes France, Belgium, Netherlands. The French showing is poorer than most other territories in Europe, but as a big market it can dominate the listings. Maybe weighed down by all those strikes?




Quite an astonishing rally from the pandemic lows in the Indian market. We ran an office in Bangalore for many years and it is incredibly impressive to see how quickly it is developing as a nation. But the stock market there is volatile and hard to access for international investors.



Japan is a huge…

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