I've just finished reading Stan Weinstein's 'Secrets of profiting in Bull and Bear Markets' which is the first technical analysis book I've read 10/10

Most investing books I've read to date have been based on fundamental investing. I've got to say the principles put forward seem very compelling.

My immediate question is given this book was written in the 70's and based on the US market, do the principles apply Today in the UK?

Stage analysis, 30 week moving average, relative strength signals, volumes strength etc or will the indicators described just leave me sat on the side line waiting for something which is never going to happen or worse lead me into a whole world of pain because it's no longer a relevant strategy.

Any suggestions on what to read next?

Is the best approach to try and combine fundamental analysis with technical analysis and time entry and exit into an attractive stock that meets your criteria based on chart signals or is it better to decide which camp you sit in either focusing on fundamentals and ratios dismissing charts as voodoo nonsense or visa versa not caring what it's called or what it does if the chart says buy get in there and ride that trend till it reverses do worry about P/E rations and all that jazz.

Thanks in advance 


Ps. In case it's not obvious by my question,  I'm a newbie trying to figure out who I am and what my approach should be

PPs. My wife has already made it very clear I'm not allowed to get a perm like my new found hero Stan!

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