
I thought I would ask the thoughts of the Stockopedia community . I own one BTL property  value £170k (no mortgage ) I receive an income not very high less than 5 % yield.

With the hassle of owning a rented property I was thinking to sell it and just buy say 5 or 6 Property REITs and/or  Dividend heroes on the AIC website.


I think this would be a good idea as the income would be the same (possibly higher ) with access to the funds as well as the option to put some of this each year in to an ISA or SIPP with the tax benefits that both bring .

I understand they are risks however I think they would be mitigated by spreading them in to 6 ITs . I believe it would make life so much simpler and less hassle.

Does anyone have any thoughts keen to know what I am missing ?


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