2023 Performance +9.7% vs +3.8% FTSE All-Share Index

2022 Performance +12.0% vs -3.4%

2021 Performance +21.6% vs +14.6%

Total 3-year return of +49% vs +15%

See all the previous BBB Monthly Recaps here.

2023 Performance Overview

What an end to the year it has been! Up until end-Nov, the Boon Fund was having a struggling year, barely break-even and hugging the FTSE All-Share performance. However, December saw my best-ever monthly gain, nearly +11%. As a result, I end the year up +9.7%, comfortably beating the FTSE All-Share benchmark of +3.8%.

This outperformance was not as much as in 2022, but marks three rows in a year of outperforming the FTSE All-Share:

  • 6.7% outperformance in 2021
  • 15.4% in 2022
  • 5.8% in 2023

The brings my cumulative 3-year return of +49%, compared to the FTSE All-Share's return of +15%. Not bad at all. My goal with the Boon Fund is to have a minimum 8% a year outperformance, to justify the time spent actively picking shares. I can safely say that I have cleared this hurdle in the last three years, on a 3yr average basis.

Going into 2024...

I am going to be continue writing about The Boon Fund, as I have found that the rigour of doing so over the last three years has made me a better investor. Having my performance, and trading, under the public scrutiny gives me that motivation to put in the time, effort, and mental rigour to make sure I'm making the right decisions.

Stockopedia has been amazing in allowing me to quickly get up and running in writing about the Boon Fund and sharing it with you all. However, I think I am outgrowing the publishing capabilities on Stockopedia. It is frustrating not to get notifications of comments, or being able to tag more than X number of tickers, of not being able to share my content with friends & family outside of Stockopedia.

I have decided to continue to write about the Boon Fund, but on a more robust platform. I will be publishing on Substack (you can find the link in my bio) going forwards.

For Stockopedia, I will continue to post quarterly summary articles, for those that don't use Substack.

On Substack, I have decided to go back to regular posting monthly performances and portfolio compositions, as well as in-depth posts on each Buy & Sell that I do. If you…

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