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2022 Performance +12.0% vs FTSE All-Share benchmark of -3.4%

2021 Performance +21.6% vs FTSE All-Share benchmark of +14.6%

(Part Time) Fund Manager’s Report

Another year end! It feels like just yesterday that I started chronicling The Boon Fund at the start of 2021, which is a combination of my ISA and SIPP portfolios. What a year it was; after the huge euphoria and bullishness in markets that was 2021, albeit with fear of COVID, things have completely flipped in 2022. Investors ran fearful and fleeing the markets in 2022, but masks were thrown away with abandon during the year.

While my absolute performance in 2022 of +12% fell short of my 2021 performance of +22%, it did better on a relative basis when compared to my chosen benchmark, the FTSE All-Share. A 1560bps outperformance in 2022, compared to 700bps in 2021.

My target for active stockpicking, given the time and effort required, has always been to try to get at least 700bps to 1000bps yearly outperformance to the benchmark, so 2022 has been a good year.

(of course there are nuances, I’m including dividends but also real life bid-ask spreads and trading costs and stamp duty in my performance, while benchmarks do neither)

This 1560bps beat is even better when viewed through this additional lens; my average funds under management increased by 40% from 2021 to 2022 (combination of gains from 2021, as well as moving more old DC pensions into my SIPP). As many of you know, when you have more funds to invest, it is harder to maintain performance (more on this in the Looking Forward to 2023 section).

What has contributed to the great outperformance this year? A couple of factors:

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