2023 YTD Performance +0.5% vs -0.4% benchmark

2022 Performance +12.0% vs -3.4%

2021 Performance +21.6% vs +14.6%

See all the previous BBB Monthly Recaps here.

Preamble from a UK Staycation

I started out with the ambition to publish commentary on the Boon Fund monthly; however, given increased time commitments, this latest update is covering 3 months – June till Aug. That is likely going to be the frequency going forwards, every 2-3 months.

I found some time to write in the last few days on a staycation road-trip around the UK – Peak District, Snowdonia, and Pembrokeshire. It was encouraging to see tourism alive and well. Restaurants were packed, beer gardens were full, and tourist sites thronged with visitors. However, hotel room rates signalled that not everything was fully booked out, and indeed the properties we visited, they were not at full capacity every night during this peak period.

As I paid £40 for two courses at gastropubs next to fields of cows, I worry about inflation, whether my capital will be eroded, and if I’m able to generate inflation-plus returns. At +0.5% gain YTD, I am definitely not. I am lucky that I am still of working age, and thus my income (hopefully) at least keeps up with inflation, even if the Boon Fund does not. Equity is always seen as an inflation hedge; surely as prices go up, companies make more money, profits rise commensurately, and therefore share prices soon too? But so far over 2022 and 2023, this hasn’t been the case, at least for UK equities.

Performance YTD

After spending most of the first half slightly behind the benchmark (FTSE All-Share), the Boon Fund is now in positive territory (+0.5%) when compared to the benchmark (-0.4%). However, this is scant consolation, as it is behind compared to easy access savings (3-5% annualised so far in 2023). It has also failed to keep up with inflation.

I have made the decision to take out a good chunk of my Stocks & Shares ISA money, and stick it into a 1-year fixed rate ISA savings instead, generating 5% instead. I look at my watchlist, and the current opportunities, and I don’t think I’ll be able to go fully invested in the next few months. So better to earn something on the cash balance, than nothing (as is the case with IG ISA’s).…

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