What's everyone make of Tullow? It seems to have had a string of successes - as the CEO put it, in the past two years, Tullow has drilled 17 wells in Uganda and six in Ghana, with not one a “dry hole”.

There were a stream of exploration successes last year in Ghana and Uganda, Tullow’s two main areas of activity. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/markets/questor/2789567/Tullow-Oil-is-a-good-long-term-play.html

Then, in recent weeks, a series of well results at the Buffalo and Giraffe wells in Ugandahas confirmed this potential - apparently, along with its partner, Heritage Oil, Tullow has located a field  that could hold about 400m barrels of recoverable oil! http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/7826016.stm

There's a refinancing coming up “in the next three or four weeks” so that could be a risk, especially after what happened with Oilexco. $400m needs to be rolled over or retired in the coming year but, even if it has to resort to a rights issue, the sum is less than a tenth of its current market value...

Seems pretty interesting, even with oil at $40 a barrel... Comments?


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