It's been two years since my last article here for Stockopedia subscribers. A lot has happened in that period so i'd like to recap, review Bitcoin's performance and pick out some of the key developments - including a huge about turn by the world’s largest asset manager, BlackRock. To finish i'll share some personal oberservations. But first, I recommend you read letter 1 and letter 2 if you haven’t already.


Price on publication

% Appreciation since

Article 1

15th Apr 2020



Article 2

2nd Jan 2021



Article 3

15th Dec  2023


Price Action since 2020

Unless you've been completely ignoring Bitcoin it will have been hard to miss the bull and subsequent bear markets we've seen since 2020. In typical fashion we saw explosive price action with price racing to highs of £55,000 in 2021 befrore plunging to lows of £13,500 late in 2022 . Subsequently, Bitcoin holders have seen 2 years of grinding downwards prices. Each time it looked like the price can't possibly fall further, another round of capitulation in the market sinks the price to new (recent) lows.


As recessions in the fiat economy are supposed to, Bitcoin bear markets clean out the deadwood with merciless effectiveness. The bear market revealed a number of large ‘crypto’ firms behaving scandalously with customer funds - ranging from rampant leveraged speculation on 'crypto-tokens' to unsecured lending of customer assets to downright Fraud (in the case of FTX & Sam Bankman-Fried).

With each of these blow ups, a crescendo of forced selling took the market another leg down. These 'crypto' firms, whilst speculating wildly on crypto currencies and tokens, also custodied Bitcoin. There is no central authority in Bitcoin to step in and 'support' the price. There is ‘no limit’ down market breaker in Bitcoin. As these firms sold everything they had to try to survive, Bitcoin was sold off indiscriminately.

Summer 2022: Celsius Collapses ($25bn AUM at peak)

Summer 2022: 3 Arrows capital collapses ($18bn AUM at peak) 

November 2022:…

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