Performance tracking in stock markets is often done by looking at indices, or individual shares - both of which have their downfall in a real life setting.

The performance of the index is made up of both securities which gain value and those that lose value. Unless you're tracking the entire market, the performance of your portfolio will not likely be reflective of the index performance.

But, by using a statistical method known as a Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) we can back-test the performance of thousands of 'model' portfolios. This allows us to assess how portfolios built using real criteria might have performed over a set time period.

This morning we have released our in-depth research report which uses this MCS technique. ‘Fix the Odds: Beating the Market with Data-Driven Strategies’ is an extensive analysis of six different screening strategies, underpinned by analysis of 60,000 simulated UK portfolios, which collectively represent 10.8m stock purchases from 2015 to 2024.

The central aim of this research was to thoroughly explore and understand the effects of these screening strategies on the probability of achieving a successful return in the stock market.

Key Insights from Our Study Include:

  • The significant impact of quality measures on investment results

  • An assessment of the effectiveness of conventional value and growth screens

  • Insights into the crucial role of strategic selection in achieving investment success

  • Guidance on the next steps for enhancing your investment returns

This report isn't just about the findings, it's about fostering a community dialogue. We're keen to hear from you:

  • What were your takeaways from the report?

  • What strategies have you successfully employed in the UK market?

  • How do you incorporate investment principles in your decision-making?

We encourage you to share your thoughts and experiences, as they are invaluable to this ongoing conversation.

Find the complete research report in the Academy, and let's engage in a productive discussion about these insights.

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