Avingtrans (LON:AVG)

Apart from the general apathy to UK small caps the shares have been additionally marked down because in my view Mr Market is incorrectly focussing on the investment the company is making in its medical division that comprises Adaptix (portable 3DX-ray) and Magnetica (portable MRI). This capital allocation will result in a significant decline in reported EPS over the next couple of years.

I see the potential success of Adaptix and Magnetica as a large cherry on top of a profitable cake. If Adaptix and Magnetica are successfully commercialised they are likely to be worth significantly more than the current market cap of the company.

My thoughts and views in no particular order.

  • The amalgamation of the Engineered Pumps and Motors (EPM) Division and the Process Solutions and Rotating Equipment (PSRE) division to form the Advanced Engineering Systems (AES) division, is a precursor to a sale of one of its companies. Booths Industries that manufactures blast proof doors has been suggested as the most likely candidate. Avingtrans (LON:AVG) bought Booths for a song from the administrators and has invested £3m to £4m in it. Its latest order book was reported at £36m. What would it fetch, I don't know but a price north of £20m has been suggested.
  • The Advanced Engineering Systems (AES) division is worth more than the current market cap. This leaves the nascent medical division and its significant potential in the price for free. According to CEO, Steve McQuillan, Avingtrans (LON:AVG) has already made its first sales of the Adaptix portable 3D X-ray scanner to veterinary practices.
  • Hayward Tyler (USA) has recently been awarded a $10m contract with Bill Gate's TerraPower, to design and develop heat pumps to enable the use of liquid sodium as a coolant. This is a high-profile win in the nuclear industry. Nuclear accounts for about 30 per cent of Avingtrans (LON:AVG) revenue.
  • Trading update 18 January: "I am pleased to announce that the Group's trading performance for the first half of the year is in line with the Board's expectations and, we are comfortable in achieving market expectations for FY24."
  • The award of the £900m contract extension to provide storage containers for spent nuclear waste from Sellafield is awaited. The Metalcraft division has current orders of approximately £70m for its 3M boxes for the storage of spent nuclear waste. Avingtrans (LON:AVG) is one…

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