The end of the Financial Year means that we have come to the half way mark of the NAPS (No Admin Portfolio System) for 2024T. If you are interested you can read:

As a reminder, our Australia and New Zealand NAPS is run as an education tool and not intended to be taken as advice or a portfolio recommendation. As it says in the title, we perform no changes to our basic selection of selecting the highest StockRank scores in each sector at the start of the year. Of course they need to be large enough for us to invest in as well. To remind yourself of the rules be sure to read the launch email.

This update is delivered in between reporting seasons for most businesses, however it is purely for the purposes of general interest and we share this learning exercise to see if a passive/stock specific fund can beat the market.

Just to refresh your memory, we are measuring the market as the S&P/ASX300, therefore we compare ourselves against the total return of the VAS Vanguard Australian Shares Index ETF as that is the closest way we can invest in the top 300.

And always remember: Past performance is no indicator of future performance.

Performance for 3 months (01 April 2024 - 30 June 2024)








+1.97% *

VAS (ASX300)




* -0.01% lower due to currency conversion of VCT into AUD

Performance for 6 months (01 January 2024 - 30 June 2024)








+8.02% *

VAS (ASX300)




* -0.07% lower due to currency conversion of VCT into AUD

The NAPS portfolio does not represent the actual return of a financial product. It is used purely for the purposes of education. The performance figure should not be relied upon in any way.

This year, the portfolio of 20 stocks selected was equally weighted and it compounds upon the returns from the original 2023 portfolio. The total value of the portfolio at the end of 2023 had increased from an initial $200,000 to $216,496 including $10,583 in cash from dividends received. Therefore $10,825 will be allocated to…

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