Picks and Shovels investing harks back to the 19th-century gold rush strategy of investing in Pick and Shovel providers, rather than speculative gold miners, in the hope of becoming rich. Two of the current trendiest sectors are AI and EV, so it could be financially rewarding to identify UK companies supplying products to one of these sectors…. or better still both.

A fascinating podcast I listened to over the weekend helped in identifying a UK AI opportunity https://zeuscapital.co.uk/exclusives/5343806395. It featured Micheal Tobin, an ex Data Centre entrepreneur who mentioned (36mins in) that in his recent AI discussions with Google, they mentioned that adding AI (Google Bard) to the Google search engine will consume 17x more power for every search. This means that companies adopting AI will need much higher capacity data centres and with this all the associated infrastructure (Picks).

Enter un-trendy  Volex (LON:VLX)) who in their recent trading update mention new customer wins… This includes increasing demand for Volex's next generation of high-speed cables for data centres, due to the growing market for artificial intelligence applications

Not only do Volex make the high-speed Data transfer cables, but they also make the electrical cords that are needed to power the servers. Both products will be necessary for AI adoption. See for more background…. https://www.volex.com/markets/complex-industrial-technology/data-centres

What about a EV Shovels opportunity? Well £VLX are integrated into this too with last year’s EV sales rising a third to £110M. Volex manufacture grid cords and charging couplers for TELSA. Recently 7 other US car companies including  Ford and General Motors announced they will be adopting the TELSA charging coupler design from 2025. In a rather dull AGM  hosted by Investor Meet Company, Volex say that they; “See (couplers) as a great opportunity”.

So Volex should be well placed to adopt Mark Twain's advice: “When everyone is looking for gold, it's a good time to be in the pick and shovel business”.

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