First, thanks for all your hard work. Apologies if this is in the wrong place, or been asked before.

I saw in a some Fin Ed piece a while ago Warren Buffett said a good way to view stocks is that you had a ‘book’ of coupons- rather like stamps I suppose- and say you had 20-30 ‘stamps’ as opportunities to buy stocks in your lifetime.

Obviously the point of that is to advocate patience, avoid churn, promote prudent buying with conviction etc.

I was very influenced by Ed’s advice in the ‘multibagger’ talks that you can’t  ‘ten bag’ if you top slice a ‘two bagger’, but there often seems to be pressure to review the next opportunity……

I get the impression some of you have different windows in terms of how long to hold an equity- but maybe <5 years is possibly the consensus.

Do you gents still think Buffett’s advice holds as true in the 2020s/30s as it did in the previous 50 years?

Many thanks

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