When I looked at the performance of Value at the end of 2022, it was a rather depressing picture:


While it was clear that expensive stocks were not the place to be, the top decile of the Value Rank underperformed the FTSE All Share. Indeed, all of the deciles underperformed. It may seem strange: how can a series of portfolios that contain the whole market not match the index performance, on average? The reason for this mismatch is the difference between the market cap weighting of the index and the equal weight of the Value Rank deciles. An equal-weight portfolio has greater relative exposure to the performance of small cap shares. In 2022, the performance of large caps held up the value of the indices while the median stock underperformed.

2023 Value Performance

One of my Value Themes for 2023 was that small and mid-caps were due to play catchup. Fast forward a year, and we have some good news:


The cheapest Value Rank decile outperformed with a +5% return versus a broadly flat index. We still see most of the deciles underperforming, led by the woeful performance of the most expensive stocks. So the large cap bias has remained, although to a lesser extent. This is confirmed when I look at the performance of the Quality Rank. Here, all deciles remain below the performance of the FTSE All Share in 2023:


This suggests that the rotation away from large caps still has a way to go. Anecdotally, many small caps look simply too cheap, and I created a screen a few months ago that aimed to identify these small cap value opportunities.

A year of speculation?

My second Value Theme for 2023 was that it would be a stock-pickers market. To test this assertion, I decided to look at what the best-performing stocks have been so far in 2023. Using the Stockopedia Screening Tools, I picked the top 3% of UK stocks on absolute price change that were currently greater than a £10m market cap. These are the 40 best-performing stocks of the last year:




The first surprise is how little return is required to make the top 3%. Only 32 companies more than…

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