Review of 2022 Performance

Well, a disappointing 2nd half-performance  (-3.8%) also led to a yearly negative performance of -21.10%.  My selection process hasn't spared me this year's carnage many stock pickers have suffered, and I can safely put to bed any thoughts of having mastered the stock market or investment process superiority as suggested previously based on 2020/21 performance, see link for previous article The FSTE All share, faired much better (-4.6%) and probably beat some stockpickers.  The specific selections and their performances for the year can be found in the below table.  Red indicated positions exited and green indicates a new position for my portfolio.

Although disappointed by the share price performance, I have actually been more satisfied with the business performance of the companies, and overall my valuation estimates remained stable over the year, suggesting no real deterioration of the fundamental business. Most companies have been able to pass on price increases, or resize the business to prevailing market conditions. So personally I am optimistic for  2023 with my valuations looking as attractive as Q1-2020 in the middle of the covid -19 pandemic. I decided to put more money to work as the difference between the share price and my valuation estimates have diverged.


Selections for 2023 

The Top 10 list for the 2023 first half is provided below. 
This is for me personally to publish a list and compare performance which I can't manipulate post the event. 


Red indicates the position is completely closed

Green indicates a new position is being built

IG group (LON:IGG) 

IG Group Holdings plc is a United Kingdom-based global financial technology company. The Company develops technology, platforms, products, and exchanges for a range of trading and investment opportunities around the world

This has been the number 1 stock pick for me since 2022 and remains so in 2023. I first bought the IG group (LON:IGG) in Nov 2016 when the stock price collapsed due to pending European regulation to clean up the industry which was eventually introduced in 2018. The rationale for investing remains unchanged since then.

Expectations and a strong track record of revenue and profit growth…

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