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Displaying 8 of 8 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Trading the Trend - is this a sucker's rally?
LON:RTN by Michael Taylor 27th Mar '20 · 18 comments · 4935 reads · 45 votes
"Two weeks ago, Saudi Arabia and Russia decided they were no longer chums. The result sent shockwaves across the planet. Whilst that sounds dramatic, for many people the drama was real. An instrument t…"
Trading the trend - Two Cup and Handle entries
LON:WMH by Michael Taylor 1st May '20 · 33 comments · 4703 reads · 26 votes
"Breakouts are one of the best patterns a trend following trader can look for. Focusing on breakouts forces one to look for uptrending stocks where the price is breaking through a prior high. This has…"
Trading the Trend - searching for cheap stocks that could bounce sharply
LON:RTN by Michael Taylor 20th Mar '20 · 27 comments · 6456 reads · 37 votes
"This week has been interesting to say the least. Fortunes have been made and fortunes have been lost as stock market participants continue to pit their wits against each other. In normal times, consen…"
Why Spain will win the World Cup... maybe? The science of predicting football results
LON:WMH by Dr Ian McHale 22nd Jun '10 · 9 comments · 7604 reads · 15 votes
"Dr Ian McHale, senior lecturer in statistics at the University of Salford, discusses in IET this month how mathematical models of football matches are used in the gambling industry – and sportingly pu…"
Charles Butler on a winning run at Netplay TV
LON:NPT by Ben Hobson 9th Aug '11 · 3 comments · 11281 reads · 5 votes
"When Charles Butler took on the role of chief executive at Netplay TV (LON:NPT) last November he was immediately faced with turning around the fortunes of the interactive gaming group. In 10 years on…"
Trading the Trend - Two gambling stocks
LON:GMR by Michael Taylor 29th Jun '20 · 12 comments · 3086 reads · 40 votes
"Gambling stocks are a contentious topic. Many say that they won’t buy gambling stocks due to the misery that they inflict on addicts. One must assume then, that they avoid alcohol and tobacco companie…"
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  • Barratt Homes (BDEV)

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  • Tesco (TSCO)
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