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Displaying 2 of 2 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Small Cap Wrap: 23rd April 2013
Small Caps by Hybridan 25th Apr '13 · 0 comments · 3274 reads · 3 votes
"This week: IDEA generates strong growth, FML on the front foot and SORB preserves inner Mongolian plan   Jim Mellon will be providing the headline speech at a Biotech Conference, Understanding the Bio…"
Hybridan Small Cap Wrap: Animalcare’s pet projects, Andes looks higher, Boomerang gets back catalogue
LON:PIM by Hybridan 14th Jun '11 · 0 comments · 5983 reads · 1 vote
"Advanced Computer Software (LON:ASW) (ASW 35.5p / £125.98m)                  The Company, a leading provider of software and IT services to the UK health, care and business sectors, this week announc…"
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