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Lonmin Ord
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Lonmin – what I should have done
LON:LMI by Mark Carter 30th Sep '15 · 1 comment · 7245 read · 6 votes
"I bailed out on platinum miner Lonmin a while ago at around 26p – a huge loss on my original purchase price of 173p. I see that Lonmin is now around 15.4p, which is a very significant further fall. My…"
Jan Nelson, chief executive of gold producer Pan African Resources, talks to Stockopedia
LON:AQP^J17 by Ben Hobson 7th Sep '10 · 0 comments · 6890 reads · 16 votes
"Since being brought in as chief executive of AIM listed mining group Pan African Resources Plc (LON:PAF) in 2005, Jan Nelson has overseen a transformation in the group’s fortunes from a fledgling exp…"
Hunting for Momentum? Here's where you'll find it...
LON:EVR by Jack Brumby 20th Mar '19 · 14 comments · 9164 reads · 41 votes
"Momentum is a powerful factor and there is a body of academic work out there that proves this across countries and time periods. One of these studies, “Analyst Forecasts and the Cross Section of Europ…"
Portfolio review - winners, losers and spinoffs
LON:PLE^J17 by Mark Carter 14th Apr '15 · 6 comments · 13137 reads · 11 votes
"With another tax year under our belt, it's time to pause for reflection, assess what we've learnt about investing, and hopefully boast about how our smarts led us to bag some big winners.Unfortunately…"
Small Cap Value Report (9 Nov 2015) - GOAL, REDT, LMI, DQE, BOO
LON:GOAL by Paul Scott 9th Nov '15 · 23 comments · 19773 reads · 35 votes
"Good afternoon!Apologies for my running late today, but there are plenty of interesting things to report on, so here goes.Goals Soccer Centres (LON:GOAL)Share price: 133p (down 13% today)No. shares:…"
The forward look from The Share Centre featuring Lonmin, Burberry, ITV, Experian, National Grid and Mothercare
LON:NG. by The Share Centre 11th Nov '10 · 0 comments · 7645 reads · 2 votes
"Nick Raynor is an investment adviser at retail stockbroker, The Share Centre, having been there since 2002. Nick has over 11 years’ experience in personal finance. Nick is regularly asked to offer his…"
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