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Displaying 19 of 19 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Stockopedia FTSE 100 Round-up: LSE merger plans put the focus on miners
LON:LSEG by Stockopedia News 10th Feb '11 · 0 comments · 6966 reads · 2 votes
"Excitement in London markets this week focused on the FTSE 250 listed London Stock Exchange (LON:LSE) itself, and its plans to “create a merger of equals” with Canada’s TMX. News of the deal, which w…"
Weekly Market Round-up: Investors still cautious despite stronger FTSE 100 performance and 161 new highs
LON:HGG by Stockopedia News 3rd Dec '10 · 0 comments · 6609 reads · 3 votes
"Analysts were divided this week on whether a rally in London markets that started on Tuesday afternoon was anything more than a shallow gesture. Certainly by Friday, investors were holding fire ahead…"
Hybridan Small Cap Wrap featuring Ipoint's, Space & People, LiDCO, Anglesey Mining, Ashley House, Berkeley Mineral, Bioventix, Minco, Sareum Holdings and Summit
LON:ASH by Hybridan 11th May '10 · 0 comments · 8326 reads · 1 vote
"This week: Ipoint’s downwards, Space & People acquires and LiDCO top lines AdEPT Telecom (ADT 22.5p / £4.74m) Adept has secured a new contract to supply a national electronic games operator, value…"
Hybridan Small Cap Wrap: Lighthouse shows the way, Lipoxen demonstrates it’s not to be sneezed at
LON:REH^J17 by Hybridan 19th Oct '10 · 0 comments · 4671 reads · 3 votes
"This week: Lighthouse shows the way, Lipoxen demonstrates it’s not to be sneezed at   African Minerals Ltd (LON:AMI) (AMI 450p/£1226.59m) The AIM-listed iron ore company, developing a project in Sier…"
GuruScreen movers - Feb 10th - Financials under the spotlight
NYQ:AXP by Alex Naamani 10th Feb '15 · 0 comments · 7561 reads · 4 votes
" The banks are in trouble again. US prosecutors are weighing up criminal charges against HSBC, amid news that the bank may have helped wealthy clients across the world evade millions of pounds in t…"
Small Cap Value Report (9 Mar 2017) - TTR, STM, CMS, SHRE
LON:TTR^B21 by Graham Neary 9th Mar '17 · 39 comments · 16218 reads · 46 votes
"Good morning! Thanks for the suggestions today, I'll try to cover the three I was originally looking at (32Red (LON:TTR), Share (LON:SHRE) and Cineworld (LON:CINE) ) in addition to the comment req…"
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