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Displaying 11 of 11 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Mello 2019 Day Two - Gervais Williams and The Fulham Shore
LON:HZM by Jack Brumby 19th Nov '19 · 5 comments · 1966 reads · 20 votes
"Last week I had the good fortune of being able to attend the Mello conference. Mello is quickly becoming the biggest day in the retail investor’s calendar. According to David Stredder - the event orga…"
Jeremy Martin builds momentum at Horizonte Minerals
LON:HZM by Ben Hobson 25th Aug '11 · 9 comments · 9045 reads · 7 votes
"Twelve months ago Jeremy Martin, the chief executive of nickel and gold exploration group Horizonte Minerals (LON:HZM), oversaw a major tie-up with industry giant Teck Resources (TSX:TCK) that promis…"
Horizonte Minerals: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants!
LON:HZM by Mining Maven 1st Nov '10 · 2 comments · 3777 reads · 1 vote
"In December 2009 we invited our readers to picture the scene of Jeremy Martin, Chief Executive of Horizonte Minerals (LON:HZM) who, after successful development of the Horizonte business, had yet to…"
Stockopedia speaks to Jeremy Martin of nickel and gold explorer Horizonte Minerals
LON:HZM by Ben Hobson 2nd Nov '10 · 2 comments · 7052 reads · 6 votes
"For many junior mining companies, winning over the financial and technical support of a major industry player is the moment when the transition from exploration to production becomes a real prospect.…"
Horizonte Minerals: Big Nickel... Big Gold!!
LON:HZM by Mining Maven 16th Aug '10 · 0 comments · 2528 reads · 10 votes
"It was back in December 2009 we wrote our initial Value Proposition for Horizonte Minerals (LON:HZM) (view here). That was nearly eight months ago and it would be no exaggeration to say that a lot ha…"
Horizonte Minerals: it's all there if you look close enough!
LON:HZM by Mining Maven 20th Feb '10 · 0 comments · 1782 reads · 5 votes
"The technical verbiage in exploration updates can often overwhelm, sometimes leaving us with more questions than answers. But fortunately Jeremy Martin, Chief Executive of Horizonte Minerals prefers a…"
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