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Displaying 3 of 3 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
HomeServe – A Big Price Equals Big Losses
LON:HSV by UK Value Investor 29th Nov '11 · 0 comments · 3060 reads · 2 votes
"The stock market can be an unpleasant place.  Let’s say, for example, that you own shares in HomeServe, the international home emergency insurance and repair business. For years they’ve been good to y…"
In Crisis, there is Opportunity: Investing in Turbulent Times
LON:SRP by Edward Croft 21st May '10 · 1 comment · 10258 read · 13 votes
" The markets are tanking, some are expecting a crash, many are questioning the stability of the Eurozone, and everyone seems to think there are serious systemic issues in the financial system. It’s…"
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  • Shell (RDSA)

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  • Volkswagon AG (VOK)

  • McDonalds (MCD)

  • Vodafone (VOD)

  • Barratt Homes (BDEV)

  • Microsoft (MSFT)

  • Tesco (TSCO)
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