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Displaying 25 of 25 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Reflections on Haynes Publishing Group (LON:HYNS)
LON:HYNS by valuhunteruk 9th Jun '11 · 0 comments · 3016 reads · 2 votes
"Haynes Publishing (LON:HYNS) is familiar to most people as the publisher of detailed DIY car repair manuals. Haynes produces these DIY manuals for a range of vehicles, mainly motorbikes and cars. In…"
Small Cap Value Report (Fri 6 Dec 2019) - DUKE, HYNS, NAR
LON:DUKE by Graham Neary 6th Dec '19 · 16 comments · 6056 reads · 61 votes
"Good morning! I'll start today's report with Duke Royalty (LON:DUKE) and Haynes Publishing (LON:HYNS). and then will see where to go from there. Duke Royalty (LON:DUKE) Share price: 48p (+0.7%)No.…"
Small Cap Value Report (Fri 15 Nov 2019) - VLTY, HYNS, CPR, DNEG, KIE
LON:B90 by Paul Scott 15th Nov '19 · 43 comments · 7167 reads · 60 votes
"Good morning, it's Paul here. Apologies for yesterday's outage, I'm back on the case today. Veltyco (LON:VLTY) - is only a £3m market cap. An announcement this morning makes it clear that the compan…"
Small Cap Value Report (25 Sep 2014) - TMMG, HYNS, TMZ
LON:TMG by Paul Scott 25th Sep '14 · 5 comments · 11181 reads · 20 votes
"Good morning! A quick, and early report today, as I have a packed diary of meetings in London today! So I really hope just for once, the train will be on time.Regenersis (LON:RGS)I listened to the We…"
Small Cap Value Report (29 Jan 2015) - PIL, HYNS, AVON
LON:PIL by Paul Scott 29th Jan '15 · 10 comments · 12087 reads · 28 votes
"Good morning! I'm heading into London for a meeting this lunchtime, so will get through as many announcements as there is time for this morning.Produce Investments (LON:PIL)Share price: 137.5pNo. sha…"
Small Cap Value Report (Fri 1 June 2018) - CDM, DTY, PCF, HYNS
LON:DTY by Graham Neary 1st Jun '18 · 45 comments · 14827 reads · 69 votes
"Morning folks, There is a lot of trivial news today, but sorting through it, I think I can find a few interesting stories. Let's see! Cheers, Graham Codemasters Holding (LON:CDM) Share price: 200p…"
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