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Displaying 30 of 30 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Faroe Petroleom – another victory for ShareSoc
LON:FPM by investorschampion 24th May '12 · 0 comments · 2546 reads · 2 votes
"The Group's Chairman John Bentley today announced at the AGM that, as a result of further dialogue with its larger shareholders, the Company intends to make a number of changes to the proposed Faroe P…"
Malcy's Oil Report - FPM, TRIN, ENQ
LON:FPM by Malcolm Graham Wood 10th Apr '15 · 0 comments · 3059 reads · 0 votes
"WTI $50.79 +37c, Brent $56.57 +$1.02, Diff $5.78 +65c, NG $2.53 -9cOil priceYesterday the oil price staged a modest rally, it would have been better if it hadn't been for a sharp fall at the death. In…"
Malcy's Oil Report - FPM, SER
LON:FPM by Malcolm Graham Wood 11th Sep '15 · 0 comments · 2608 reads · 2 votes
"WTI $45.92 +$1.77, Brent $48 89 +$1.31, Diff $2.97 -46c, NG $2.68 +3cOil priceBarring any significant moves later today crude oil will likely be roughly unchanged on the week with fundamentals still w…"
Malcy's Oil Report - FPM, COP
LON:FPM by Malcolm Graham Wood 17th Sep '15 · 0 comments · 3180 reads · 1 vote
"WTI $47.15 +$2.56, Brent $49.75 +$3.12, Diff $2.60 +54c, NG $2.66 -7cOil priceHaving been away on company visits for a couple of days and written no blogs I return to find the oil market in a slightly…"
Malcy's Oil Report - FPM, SOU, GPX, GKP
LON:FPM by Malcolm Graham Wood 20th May '15 · 0 comments · 3679 reads · 1 vote
"WTI $57.26 -$2.17, Brent $64.02 -$2.25, Diff $6.76 -8c, NG $2.95 -6cOil priceAnother bad day in the crude markets yesterday as a combination of continued dollar strength, absorption of Saudi export nu…"
Malcy's Oil Report - ENI, FPM, FOG, TPL, RKH
BIT:ENI by Malcolm Graham Wood 1st Sep '15 · 0 comments · 3225 reads · 1 vote
"WTI $49.20 +$3.98, Brent $54.15 +$4.10, Diff $4.95 +12c, NG $2.69 -3cOil priceWith WTI rising by 8.8% and Brent by 8.2% yesterday, the rise from last Wednesday's $39 and $43 plus change has been nearl…"
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