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Displaying 21 of 21 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Small Cap Value Report (Weds 23 Mar 2022) - ZOO, SAGA, JDG, CRPR, DTY
LON:DTY by Paul Scott 23rd Mar '22 · 73 comments · 8981 reads · 138 votes
"Good morning, it's Paul and Roland here today, welcome back Roland!  Today's report is now finished. Agenda - Paul's Section: Zoo Digital (LON:ZOO) (prepared last night) - a positive trading update. G…"
Small Cap Value Report (Wed 11 March 2020) - DTG, SOM, DTY, COST, KCT, LOOK
LON:COST by Paul Scott 11th Mar '20 · 92 comments · 10515 reads · 118 votes
"Good morning, it's Paul here with the SCVR for Weds. This post is initially a "placeholder" - i.e. just an introduction, put up at 7am, so that readers can add your comments below, whilst I spend the…"
How the StockRank Styles pointed to trouble at Dignity
LON:DTY by Ben Hobson 25th Jan '18 · 26 comments · 13990 reads · 39 votes
"Shares in the funeral services group Dignity halved in value recently after it issued what amounted to a big profit warning for the year ahead. Competition is fierce in the funeralcare market, yet con…"
Small Cap Value Report (Mon 8 Nov 2021) - DX., DTY, CBOX, CARD
LON:SOS by Paul Scott 8th Nov '21 · 58 comments · 9683 reads · 128 votes
"Good morning, it's Paul & Jack here with the SCVR for Monday. David and the team are back with another Mello Monday tonight, they're always worth checking out with some interesting management pres…"
Small Cap Value Report (Wed 11 May 2022) - BOTB, DTY, HSW, VTU, TENG, ANX, CTO
LON:CTO by Paul Scott 11th May '22 · 29 comments · 8854 reads · 138 votes
"Good morning, it's Paul & Jack here with our usual daily review of company news.  We've done some shorter sections, to cover more companies, see the agenda below. Today's report is now finished. A…"
Small Cap Value Report (Fri 1 June 2018) - CDM, DTY, PCF, HYNS
LON:DTY by Graham Neary 1st Jun '18 · 45 comments · 14827 reads · 69 votes
"Morning folks, There is a lot of trivial news today, but sorting through it, I think I can find a few interesting stories. Let's see! Cheers, Graham Codemasters Holding (LON:CDM) Share price: 200p…"
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