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Displaying 12 of 12 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Devro Plc (LON:DVO): Initial View
LON:DVO by valuhunteruk 6th Oct '11 · 0 comments · 3626 reads · 3 votes
"Introduction – Devro (LON:DVO) is a fast-growing manufacturer of collagen products for the food industry. The biggest application of their collagen products is casing for sausages (as an alternative…"
SIF Folio: Devro could be poised for a return to growth
LON:DVO by Roland Head 9th Mar '21 · 4 comments · 3332 reads · 35 votes
"Defensive food and drink companies are often reliable performers, but they’ve been in vogue with investors over the last few years. As a result, these expensive defensives have rarely met the valuatio…"
Small Cap Value Report (6 Mar 2017) - DVO, UPGS, GAW
LON:DVO by Graham Neary 6th Mar '17 · 17 comments · 12745 reads · 60 votes
"Good morning!News is quiet today so I'll be taking care of things myself here while Paul takes a day off.RegardsGrahamDevro (LON:DVO)Share price: 181.4p (-2%)No. shares: 167mMarket cap: £303mFinal Re…"
Small Cap Value Report (10 Nov 2016) - DVO, PHD, BOTB, WIN
LON:DVO by Paul Scott 10th Nov '16 · 40 comments · 21584 reads · 74 votes
"Good morning!Things seem to be moving at such a rapid pace at the moment. The overnight sell-off in markets yesterday, on news of the shock victory of Mr Trump, has rapidly reversed. So people who wer…"
Small Cap Value Report (Thu 9 Nov 2017) - SWL, QRT, GATC, DVO, TRCS
LON:BAR by Paul Scott 9th Nov '17 · 41 comments · 15491 reads · 58 votes
"Hi, it's Paul here. This is initially a placeholder article, ready for your comments from 7am onwards. To get you started today, please note that I updated yesterday's report in the evening, with some…"
Small Cap Value Report (Thur 25 April 2019) - CPR, SFR, DVO, PHTM, THAL/LSR, MCON, DISH, SYN, ALY
LON:CPR by Graham Neary 25th Apr '19 · 31 comments · 9730 reads · 55 votes
"Good morning, Some RNS announcements I noticed today: Carpetright (LON:CPR) - in line with expectations trading updateSeverfield (LON:SFR) - in line with expectations trading updateDevro (LON:DVO)…"
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