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Displaying 7 of 7 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Ceramic Fuel Cells: Yet another BlueGen sale
LON:CFU^J17 by investorschampion 12th Feb '10 · 0 comments · 1097 reads · 0 votes
"From the second quarter of 2010 E.ON Ruhrgas will operate a BlueGen unit at its micro power and heating test facility in Essen, Germany.  About the size of a dishwasher, each BlueGen unit can apparent…"
Ceramic Fuel Cells - interview with Andrew Neilson
LON:CFU^J17 by Edward Croft 27th May '10 · 0 comments · 7676 reads · 13 votes
"Ceramic Fuel Cells (LON:CFU) is a leading developer of solid oxide fuel cell technologies dual listed on the London AIM Market and Australian ASX Market. The company is developing micro heat and po…"
Andrew Neilson of AIM and ASX listed Ceramic Fuel Cells talks to Stockopedia
LON:CFU^J17 by Edward Croft 30th Aug '10 · 0 comments · 6897 reads · 14 votes
"Over the last financial year, Ceramic Fuel Cells (LON:CFU) , the AIM and ASX listed fuel cell company, has succeeded in taking orders for 51 units of their key ‘BlueGen’ modular fuel cell generator i…"
Solar, biofuels, wind power, fuel cells, carbon trading: trawling the universe of UK listed clean energy stocks
LON:HEGY^J17 by Anna Morrell 11th Jun '10 · 0 comments · 4730 reads · 2 votes
"I was getting rather fed up of the number of times brokers suggest I invest in a sparkling new 'clean power' company, and then couldn't give me any idea of its peer group or the size of the sector. Ev…"
Are UK Utilities still a safe bet?
LON:SVT by rcasrc 17th Sep '09 · 0 comments · 5112 reads · 6 votes
"UK utility companies have for some time been regarded as a relatively stable investment opportunity, given the reliable, long-term nature of their income streams. Recently, utilities have been going t…"
Energetix prepares to turn up the heat in the UK boiler market
LON:GFS by Ben Hobson 30th Sep '11 · 0 comments · 10752 reads · 4 votes
"Clare Spottiswoode admits that she was “a bit straightforward” about her views on the micro combined heat and power (CHP) industry when she first met Adrian Hutchins, the chief executive of AIM quoted…"
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